من تاريخ مديرية الامور الطبية

 الرجاء الضغط على الصورة بالماوس  للتكبير

تقديم: الدكتور شاكر العينه جي

الدكتور سالم مجيد الشماع

تحدث الينا الجراح الاختصاصي الدكتور سالم مجيد الشماع عن بعض ذكرياته من خلال عمله سابقا في مستشفى الرشيد العسكري و في مديرية الامور الطبية و قد تفضل مشكورا بارسال تقرير باللغة الانكليزية عن اهم مؤتمر رعته الطبابة العسكرية العراقية في تاريخها الا و هو المؤتمر الدولي الخامس والعشرون للطب العسكري و الصيدلة الذي أنعقد في قصر المؤتمرات ببغداد للفترة 10-15 آذار  1984

و قد تفضل الدكتور سالم الشماع بارسال منهاج المؤتمرلغرض نشره، ومما يثيرالاهتمام لمن يقرأ المنهج ان عدد البحوث العراقية المشاركة في هذا المؤتمر كان  48 بحثا من اصل 96  تم قبولها في المؤتمر.

نترككم مع تقرير الدكتور سالم الشماع:

From the history of the military medical affairs directorate

Dr. Salim Majeed Al-Shamma

It took four decades after the establishment of the military Medical Affairs in 1921 to start getting good medical care to Iraqi army personnel, at least at Al-Rashid Military Hospital  in Baghdad, when there were specialized doctors in surgery ,anesthesia ophthalmology , ENT , Dermatology and venereal diseases , medical lab, radiology and psychiatry , but that was just the beginning. After 15 years the picture was different , it was amazing to see Al-Rashid  Military Hospital as a recognized  teaching center, full of  medical staff in every branch of medicine ,doing up to date operations, examinations and research works

The most important proof to this statement was choosing Baghdad to be the host city of 25th conference of the ICMMP (The International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy) which took place in March (10-15) 1984 in the Convention Center in downtown Baghdad

All activities of the conference were organized by the personnel and officers of the Iraqi Military Medical Affairs Directorate, and the president of the conference was the director of the Iraqi Military Medical affairs at that time Dr.Raji Abbas al-Tekriti

The scientific  committee of the conference was headed by Dr.Ibrahim Taha Ahmad, the Secretary General of the conference was Dr.Salim Al-Shamma .More than 30 Medical officers from Iraq were given assignments in preparation of the activities of the conference to make it successful. It took more than 18 months for the organizing committee to finish its preparations for this important conference

Many of the documents and paperwork of the details 0f the conference are lost and are not available anymore, but at least, the final agenda showing names of the speakers and their countries is available and was put in this article. the conference agenda will show the very impressive fact that there were 48 papers presented by our specialist Iraqi medical officers out of 96 papers accepted by the scientific committee

  It was really a successful conference ,the Directorate of Medical Affair of Iraq , received letters of credit and gratitude from the secretary  general of the congress (ICMMP) who was Dr.Cooles , and also from most of the participants who were present in the conference , many of the Iraqi papers were published in the “ International  Review of the Army , Navy and Air forces medical services” which is the official medical journal of the ICMMP

The table which follow is taken from the abstract resume of the conference which was edited by Dr.G.H.Makki, Dr.O.K. Al-Koubaisi, Dr.M.N. Jamil  and Dr.W.I.al-Wali

Agenda of

25th Conference of the International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy

1-High Velocity Missile Injuries to the Spine.         Kurkchy,T                IRAQ

2-Spinal Cord Injuries in War Casualties.                Al-Bayatti,MAF       IRAQ

3-The Impairment of Military Fitness of                 Firl                             GDR

        Conscripts by Spinal Alterations.

4-Low Back Pain Problem in the U.A.E  Armed      Fahim,A.Z.               U.A.E.


5-Spinal Diseases of Recruits.                                    Roggatz,J.                F.R.G

6-Cranial Missile Wounds in Civil Disturbances.     Gordon,D.S.            U.K.

7-Analysis of 500 Penetrating High Velocity            Abdul-Wahid,T.     IRAQ

           Missile Wounds of the Brain.

8-Skin Culture for Toxemia of Burns.                         Naji, K.                     IRAQ

9-Surgical Treatment of Deep Burns.                         Al-Saad,S.               IRAQ

10-Use of Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous                 Amin, M.A.             IRAQ

    Flap in Reconstructive Procedures.

11-Plastic Surgery Versus War.                                      Al-Bashir,A.H.         IRAQ

12-Chest Wall Deformities-Surgical Management.     Panayatopoulos    GREECE


13-Maxillofacial Injuries Caused by war Weapons      Pasturel,A.              FRANCE

                  ,Data and Management.

14-The Treatment of Modren War Injuries in the        Shuker, S.         IRAQ

                     Maxillofacial Region.

15-Bone Graft in Bullet Injuries of the Mandible.           Hassan,S          IRAQ

16-Rehabilitation of Post-War Patients.                    H.Shepherd            England

17-Cold Injuries Hypothermia First-Aid                    T.H.Kluge                 Norway

               & Prevention.

18-Management of Paraplegics Armed Forces.       D.J. Mukerjee        India

19-Perpheral Nerves Injuries In War Casualties.     A.H.Al-Tikriti          IRAQ

20-rehabilitation of the disable armed forces           G.K.Soni               India

          Personnel in artificial limb Centre


21-Rehabilitation in soviet military medicine.        N.G.Ivanov            USSR

22-Rehabilitation and physical fitness-training       D.Harms                FRG

           Of aircrew.

23-Disablities of the vertebral column of the          C.S.Cortes             Spain

         Recruits in the Spanish Army Forces.

24-War Injuries of Peripheral Nurves.                       H.Millesi               Austria

25- Rehabilitation of Disabled in                                S.N.Al-Ubaidy       Iraq

       Al-Mughira Centre.

26- Rehabilitation and Conditioning Training          Tschochohei       FRG

         Of submarine crews.

27-Establishment of a spinal Cord Injury                 J.Sylvest               Denmark

       Centre in Baghdad , Iraq .                                    Tawfiq,G.             Iraq

28- Rehabilitation of Ishaemic Heart                       A.R                         India

         Disease in the Armed Forces.                           Subramanian


29-Epidemiology and Prophylaxis of                        S.Nejmi et.al.        Morocco

      Influenza in the Royal Armed

          Forces 1970-1983.

 30-From Common Infections to                              Rausch, V.              FRG

          Respiratory Failure.

31-Biochemical and Epidemiological Study           M.B. Rassam          Iraq

      of Lieshmania and Lieshmaniasis in Iraq.         et.al.

32-Hepatities B Surface Antigen Carriers in           Coursaget             France

          The Senegalese Armed Forces.

33-Developments in Tetanus                                   Relveld                  France

       Immunoprophylaxis  with Special

      Applications to the Armed Forces.

34-Recent Advances in Rabies Vaccinnes              P.Sureau               France

        And Human Rabies Prophylaxis.

35-Advances in the Managements of War            M.P.Habboshe     Iraq

     Injuries to the Extremities.

36-Funcional Treatment and Rapid                        S.A.Mattsson        Sweden

       Rehabilitation of Disphyseal Fractures.

37-External Fixation as a Treatment of Lower    M.A.F.Al-Bayatti    Iraq

       Limbs Injuries.

38-Total Hip Replacement                                     S.N.Maki                  Iraq

39-Cancellous Iliac Bone Graft for segmental    M.K.Al-Fallouji        Iraq

       Bone loss.

40-Missle Wounds Times Criteria for                  Y.H.Abdullah           Iraq


41-The Problem of Tuberculosis in the Army.     A.O.Nesterko         Afghanistan

42-Tuberculosis in the Nigerian Armed Forces.   S.A.Majekodunmi  Nigeria


43- Tuberculosis in the French Army,its                Kermarec et.al        France

           Evolution in the Conscripts.

44- Tuberculosis in the Iraqi Armed Forces          Al-Jazrawi et.al        Iraq

45-Aspect of the Prevention of the TBC in the     E.Mwlorio                Italy

       Italy Army.

46- Tuberculosis in the Greek Army                       A.Gazis                     Greece

47-Reform Center Procedures for                          D.Coviliabaly            Ivory Coast

   Tuberculosis Patiente in the Ivory                        et.al.

                Coast  A-rmed Forces.

48-Evaluation of Mass Miniature                           F.J.Mohammed       Iraq

     Radiography Campaigns in Iraq.

49-Profile of the Tuberculosis Militray                 K.A.Tahiri et.al         Morocco


50- Tuberculosis Lymphadenitis in the                 V.Tsaklides                Greece

           Greek Army.

51- Tuberculosis in the Armed Forces.                 D.N’Ganaibaye          Chad

52- Tuberculosis Anal Fistulae.                              A.Moulay et.al.          Morocco

53-The Present State of Tuberculosis in               F.G.Marcos                 Spain

         The Spanish Army.

54-BCG Immunization in Tuberculosis                  M.Gheorghiu             France


55-Urinary Tract Lithiasis in the Armed               L.Vazeos                      Greece


56-Urogenital Tuberculosis in the Moroccan      D.Driss et.al.               Morocco


57-High Velocity Missile Injuries of the                 Al-Ali M.A.M              Iraq

                Ureter.                                                             et.al.

58-Post Traumatic Renal Insufficiency in              Al-Shamma I.A.A.      Iraq

        Military Personnel.

59-Intensive Care Mangement of Lung in              Baldock,G.                  UK


60-Varicocoele in the Recruits                                 Tsalezas,S.                  Greece

61.The Role of Local Anesthesia in War                  Al-Khafaji,J.M.F.        Iraq


62-A Study of General Anaesthesia by Means       Khafaf,A.W.                Iraq

  Of a Single Dose of a Mixture of althesin

                         & Ketamine.

63-High Velocity Missile Injuries to the Colon.      Al-Taie,R.I. et.al.       Iraq

64-The Therapeutic Use of Peritoneal                    Fkhri,O.                       Iraq

            Macrophage  in Resistant

       Infections And in Wound Repair.

65-Thoracic Wounds Inflicted by Projectiles         Moullay,A. et.al.       Morocco

       Concerning 47 Cases.

66-Blast Injuries to the Ear                                       Al-Mukhtar,N.            Iraq

67-Argon Lazer Trabecular Surgery in                    Bissogiannis                Greece

          Uncontrolled Open Angle


68-Vascular Injuries in  Modern Warfare.              Al-Abboudi                 Iraq

69-Toxic Pulmonary Oedma due to Irritating         Klimmek,D.R.             F.R.G.

Agents and Smoke Components-Pathophysiology

                      And Therapy.

70-Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare.              Al-Hakim,B.J.             Iraq

71-Chemical Injuries of Eye                                        Wajeeh,-M.               Iraq

72-Blood Trace Elements in Healthy                          Mohammed,F.J.      Iraq

         Individuale, Injured Civilians

             and Military Patients.

73-The Effect of Arthropod Bites and                         Mohsen,Z.H.             Iraq

         Stings on Military Forces.

74-An Epidemiological Study of Post-Traumatic      P.Jallon                      France


75-Addiction in Armed Froces.                                    M.Z.Al-Qassim          Iraq

76-Effect of War on the Pattern Psychiatric              T.F.J.Al-Kubaisy        Iraq

       Illnesses in the armed Forces.

77-Psychosocial Variables in Combat Psychiatric     A.J.Alrubai                  Iraq


78-Angina and Arrythmias.                                            Michat                       France

79-Preliminary report on Cardiac Catheterization     F.D.AREM\              Iraq

            Laboratory Results in Rashid military               O.K.Al-Koubaisi


80-Upper Digestive Tract Endo-scopy-An                    M.H.Fayadh             Iraq

                 8 Year’s Experience.

81-Ileo-Caecal  Tuberculosis.                                         M.I.Archane             Morocco

82- Rehabilitation of painful Injuries of Peripheral   Wynn Parry               UK

              Nerves.                                                                       C.B.

83- Environmental and Occupational Health               Mirdad I.A.               Saudi

       Monitoring in the Royal Saudi Air Force.

84- Re-Organization of the Army Medical                    N’Garnaibaye,D.       Chad

                    Services In Chad.

85- Physiological and Biochemical Reactions               Zorbas,G. et.al.         Greece

             Of Man under Hyperkinesia.

86- Problems of Rehabilitation Services Provision.     Al-Ani, N.A                 Iraq

87- Role of First-aider, Occupational Physician and    Jamil,H.                      Iraq

        And Ergonomist in Rehabilitating the Disable

                             Person .

88- Oriental Normal Ranges for Pituitary Thyroidal    Fathi,M.M.                Iraq

            Stem Hormones by RIA.

89- Isolation and Characterization                                 Tamir,S.A.J                Iraq

        a Membrane-Bound Phospholipase A2.

90- Identification of Cancer Cells by their                     Al-Shaikhly,A.W       Iraq

                  Service Antigens.

91- The Duties of Medical Records Departments        Al-Roubaie,A.J.H      Iraq

           In an Army Base Hospital During War .

92- Philadelphia-Negative Chronic Granulocytic          Al-Hassan, F.M         Iraq


93- Circular Dichroism and Fluorescence Studies        Borazan,H.N. et.al.   Iraq

         On Conformation Changes in

         Homopolyribonucleotide Included by the

            Bindings of Vinblastine.

94- Comparative Studies of Multiple Antibiotic          Al-Doori, Z. et.al.        Iraq

         Resistance of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

      Among War Injured and Common Patients.

95- Effect of Antibiotic on Haemolysin and Enzyme   Abd-Amir,M.K           Iraq

             Production by Streptococcus Pyogens

                              In Vivo.

96-Distribution of Serum Cholinesterase in Iraq        AL-Azzwi,M.J.             Iraq

English script written by: Dr. Salim Al-Shamma and was edited by: Dr. Shakir Al-Ainachi

يدعو هذا الموقع كافة الزميلات و الزملاء من ذوي المهن الطبية و الصحية او الادارية الذين عملوا في مديرية الامور الطبية / الجيش العراقي او ضمن وحداتها او اي من منتسبي الجيش العراقي و كل العراقيين ممن يتوفر لديهم  صور و وثائق و كراسات تدريبية او كتب رسمية  او ما في خزين ذاكرتهم من احداث و قصص و مواقف مرت بهم خلال خدمتهم او اطلعوا عليها ارسالها الى الموقع لغرض توثيقها و نشرها. الرجاء ارسال مشاركاتكم على البريد الاكتروني للموقع : index.iraq@yahoo.com    و ستتم الاشارة في المقال الى اسم و صفة المرسل الّا في حال طلبه حجب الاسم مع الشكر الجزيل

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